How to Understand That She Loves You

How to Understand That She Loves You

Each of us wants to be sure that her girlfriend loves him very much. But how this confidence can come, if ask about it directly as something tactless and, perhaps, even intrusive? 

And the girl keeps silent, or probably, too embarrassed to admit her emotional feelings. 

The only thing that can clarify the situation and demonstrate how to know if she loves you is the observation over your girl. 

Even when we don’t talk about our feelings, they are betrayed by our behavior. 

The subconscious struggles to show that a person is dear to us and being in his company - a balm for the soul.

This happens to everyone and with your girlfriend as well. She will certainly show her feelings. 

The main thing is to look more attentively at her behavior and you will understand everything. 

There are 7 sure signs from that will help you to know if she really loves you.

1. She can hear you out

If your beloved really loves you, she won't only be open with you, but listen what you tell her, even if she heard about it earlier. 

This doesn't mean that she should behave like your dog. 

It's just that she will be there to listen to your thoughts without interrupting or distracting and then express her point of view. 

To love isn't only to talk, but also to be able to listen.

2. She always wants to stand together 

To love means always strive to stand by one another, even when it seems impossible. 

Of course, it doesn't mean that you have to stick to each other, but loving people use every opportunity to be together. 

You don't have to spend together 24 hours a day, seven days a week, however, if your girl finds time for you only once or twice a month, she doesn't love you.

She Loves You

3. She's jealous of you

Naturally, as soon as a girl has feelings, she becomes jealous. Perhaps she will try to hide this fact from you, but she won't be good at it.

Jealousy means indifference and fear of losing you. 

Watch how she treats your communication with other girls. If she gets angry or upset, then she loves you. 

4. She overlooks your faults

She doesn't have to idealize you. A truly loving person can point out your mistake, incorrect statement or unworthy behavior. 

However, she shouldn't criticize you all the time. 

It should be a healthy, constructive criticism, meaning that a person knows you and accepts all your merits and demerits.

5. She worries if you ignore her.

She will be acutely perceive the lack of messages from you when you have work avalanche. 

Ask where you’ve disappeared, and why you don't answer. 

If earlier she reacted calmly, then the girl in love will react to the lack of your attention with trial. 

All these are signs that she worries and miss you. 

Also Read:  10 Definite Signs You’ve Met Your Perfect Match

6. She understands you

True love - is a true understanding. If a person knows how to recognize your mood, what you love and how to make you happy, then she loves you. It's okay if a person is a kind of puzzle.

You don't have to understand your loved one all over, but you must have a firm belief that he feels and understands you most of the time.

7. She is open with you

A loving person won't be afraid to talk about his thoughts, feelings and fears. 

She will speak about his childhood, her regrets, hard periods, dreams, and she will be comfortable sharing this with you. 

If your significant other says: "I haven't told anyone this before", then, most likely, she really loves and trusts you.

When a girl feels that she is loved and understood - she is ready to move heaven and earth, support you and help to achieve everything you want. 

She will give you more warmth and love, and you will feel needed and the only man. 

This is a must for a happy couple. 

The more attentions a girl gives you, the more she puts her heart into you. The main thing is to learn how to take it with gratitude. 

So, you are aware of how to know she loves you, and now it's time to learn how to feel the love of your beloved and take it. 

And if you think that your girlfriend pays little attention to you, isn't gentle enough with you, and most of the time talks to her friends, it means the only thing: you've committed a mistake somewhere. 

Something has discouraged her from doing nice things for you. 
But you hold the keys to the kingdom. 

Give her more attention and envelop your beloved with tenderness and caress - and she will reach out to you again and again.