You Will Be Surprised By The Number Of Messages Facebook Has Hidden From You!

You Won’t Believe The Number Of Messages Facebook Has been Hiding from You..! I was shocked once I realized this.. and the messages I found hidden some where very important to me.

Just like in the email platform they mark messages they considered to be SPAMS, Like wise  Facebook they also store any message it considers to be spam.

Well, are you curious to find out what messages Facebook stored into spam and you didn't get them..?

If you are curious, you can get these messages in very easy steps.

  • Just Open Facebook Messenger on your phone
  • Then Select “Settings” icon in the top right corner
  • Select “People

After that Select “Message Requests

Just below the messages, you can see a button link saying “See filtered messages”  then just Click on that one.

Then wait to be surprised when you see the messages

If your using Computer, then the simplest way to access the inbox is to navigate to