Tiffah's first appearance endorsed by NMB Bank

Here is the long awaited Princess Latiffah. And the first time she is appearing to the public is on a Tsh 50million contract advert of NMB a financial institution in Tanzania

Diamond Platnumz and Zari Hassan baby girl, Latiffah Binti Nasibu Abdul "Tiffah" makes her first official appearance into the public and NMB Bank has offered the baby start an endorsement deal into promoting their NMB Junior Account.

Appart from NMB, Tiffah's first endorsement deal came from the baby clothing shop  'Baby Shop' which sponsered all Tiffah's clothes.

Have a look at Tiffa's face Look as most people were waiting to see how baby tiffah look.
Well, she is beautiful just like her Mom, Zari Hassan