Photos: Have a Look at The new CCM Conference Hall - Dodoma Tanzania

The new CCM Conference Hall - Dodoma Tanzania

Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) will be using their new and Modern conference Hall to unveil their 2015 presidential Candidate in Dodoma the capital city of Tanzania.

The conference Hall will be used for CCM General committee meetings on July 10th - 12th 2015, The party will announce their selected candidate who will be representing CCM in the 2015 General Election
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The Hall can accommodate more than 3000 people. Have a look at the photos bellow

The new CCM Conference Hall - Dodoma Tanzania

The new CCM Conference Hall - Dodoma Tanzania

The new CCM Conference Hall - Dodoma Tanzania

The new CCM Conference Hall - Dodoma Tanzania

The new CCM Conference Hall - Dodoma Tanzania

The new CCM Conference Hall - Dodoma Tanzania

The new CCM Conference Hall - Dodoma Tanzania